
Mr A Kerr – Head of Department –

Year 12 – AS Economics

AS Economics is taught by M Kerr.

In year 12 students study two themes:-

Please click here for the AS Economics handbook

Students will be provided with textbooks to use in class as well as a wide variety of notes and exercises to use in class and at home. The recommended textbook is “Edexcel AS/A level Economics” 6th edition by Alain Anderton but this is not compulsory.

Students will need to bring a calculator to every lesson.

There will be at least one test every half term – provisional dates are found in the handbook

There is no coursework

Assessment will consist of two written exams each lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. Both papers consist of two sections. Section A comprises a range of multiple choice and short-answer questions. Section B comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including a choice of extended open-response question (students select one from a choice of two).

Year 13 – A2 Economics

A2 Economics is taught by Mrs Wilson.

In year 13 students study two themes:

Please click here for the A2 Economics handbook

Students may wish to buy a copy of “Edexcel AS/A Level Economics” 6th edition by Alain Anderton but this is not compulsory. They will be provided with textbooks to use in class as well as a wide variety of notes and exercises to use in class and at home. Students will need to bring a calculator to every lesson.

There will be at least one test every half term – provisional dates are found in the handbook.

There is no coursework

Assessment will consist of three written exams all of which draw upon knowledge from AS and A2 units. Details are provided in the Handbook. The provisional dates for the exams are 20th May Paper 1; 23rd May Paper 2; 4th June Paper 3.