Spanish Department

Mr A Green - Head of Department -

Mrs F Matthews - Teacher of Spanish -


Every student will study all three languages in Year 7, and at the end of Year 7, will choose their First Language to study up to GCSE in Year 11. They will continue with an allocated Second Language in Year 8 and Year 9, and may study this one too to GCSE. Students can then continue with French, German or Spanish into A-Level.

Our comprehensive Key Stage 3 MFL courses guarantee our students solid preparation to face the challenge of the GCSE course.

We offer a holistic approach to enhance the development of the four core skills (writing, reading, listening and speaking). Pupils will be offered wide-ranging opportunities to experience culture, such as residential Trips to Spain in Year 9/10 (Barcelona) and Year 12/13 (Andalucía).

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Pupils will study Spanish for two terms in Year 7, and while they will make quick progress, the focus is on engagement and communication. The full list of topics covered is listed below:-


Beginners Spanish is taught for 4 periods per week and is taught at a slow pace. The full list of topics covered is listed below:-

Term Topics Covered Grammar and Content
1 Introducing yourself, personal details, age, birthday, etc.
Project on Día de los Muertos.
Classroom objects, classroom language, alphabet, sounds of letters, numbers 1-31.
2 Project on Día de los Muertos. Oral skills, transfer to writing, written accuracy.
2 Project on Christmas in Spain. Likes and dislikes.
3 School and school subjects, describing school, travel to school. Present tense of verbs, gender of nouns, adjectives, agreement of adjectives.
3 Family, siblings, pets, colours, physical descriptions. Present tense of verbs, gender of nouns, adjectives, agreement of adjectives.
4 Project on Easter in Spain. Present tense of verbs, gender of nouns, adjectives, agreement of adjectives.
6 End of year examination: reading/writing skills tested on all topics covered during the year.
Free time, sports, going out, staying in, making arrangements to go out.
Oral and listening skills score based on performance during the year.
Immediate future tense (future plans), revise likes and dislikes.

Year 8

Students continue their course with “Viva 2”. Students have 5 periods a week (4 periods a week from September 2020)

Term Topics Covered Grammar and Content
1-2 Revision module.
Assessment unit 1: all skills.
Enhancing quality of language: Comparative, superlative, adverbs.
2-3 Food-shopping, healthy eating, ordering food.
Assessment 2: all skills. Future tense included.
Immediate future, revision/consolidation if required for second language classes, pronouns, revision adjective agreements, improving quality of language
4-5 Holidays present, past and future. Tourism at home and abroad.
End of year exam: Includes all skills, past, present and future tenses.
Present tense, future tense. Work on oral skills using tenses. Past tenses (preterite and introduce imperfect). Intensive work on writing skills.
6 House and Home, type of house, rooms, bedroom, daily routine am and pm.
Clothes – preferences, uniform, buying clothes.
Reflexive verbs, revise prepositions.

Year 9 - First Language and Second Language (Quick-Start Course)

First Language students will continue to use “Viva” 3 on 3 periods per week. (4 periods a week from September 2021).

Second Language students (Quick-Start Course) will use “Viva 1” and “Viva 2” on 3 periods per week.

GCSE Spanish

GCSE Spanish is studied using the New Edexcel Spanish GCSE specification. This new specification culminates in four papers taken at the end of Year 11: Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening. The four skills have got equal weight in the final grade. Both Year groups are using Viva Edexcel GCSE as a textbook and covering the Y10 main topics described below but in a different order and with some adjustments.

The text book issued to students is called "Mira for GCSE" and boys may also wish to purchase "Mira Workbook (higher)" for help with class and homework tasks.


Year 10 Spanish


Year 11 Spanish


Year 11 Spring Term should be dedicated to the following:

Year 12

Course Summary for Spanish Linear A level 2019-20

Exam Board: AQA

Term Taught by Mrs Matthews
2 Double Lessons a week
Taught by Mr Green
1 Double Lesson a week
Term 1
Sep-Dec 2019
Introduction to A Level Grammar review and consolidation
Skills practice, Vocabulary review and practice
Theme 1.1: Artistic Culture in the Hispanic World:
i) Music, film and TV media idols, ii) Spanish Regional identity, Traditions and customs, gastronomy and regional languages.
Theme 1.2: Aspects of Hispanic Society
i)Modern and traditional values: Family, influence of the Catholic Church, marriage. ii) Cyberspace: The Internet, social media, mobiles. Also skills, grammar, vocabulary as required.
Start to study SET FILM : 8 Apellidos Vascos
Term 2
Jan-Apr 2020
Cultural trip to Andalucia February 2020
Continue with Theme 1 (ii)
Regional Identity Grammar and skills required for A level And (iii)Cultural heritage in anticipation/preparation of trip
Continue to study set film
8 Apellidos Vascos
Term 3
Apr-July 2020
Start set book: El Coronel no tiene quien le escriba by Gabriel Garcia Márquez
Theme 1: (iii) Cultural heritage : famous sites in the Hispanic world , Art and Architecture , Musical heritage and its diversity.
8 Apellidos Vascos
1.2 (iii) Equal Rights: women and work, gender rights, machismo and feminism in the Hispanic world.
June 2020 AS exam on all skills: one essay on set book or film , translations , reading and listening tasks , oral

Year 12 Books

Text books which may be used in class (You may buy your own for reference or revision if required):

  1. AQA Spanish Year 1 (Oxford University Press) Sanchez/Thacker/ (provided in class) + Grammar exercises book (we will provide these)
  2. AQA Spanish for A Level (Hodder) Bond/Villatorio/Mejías Yedra + skills practice books (we will provide these)
  3. DVD of 8 apellidos Vascos (Recommended you buy your own copy for revision /reference purposes)
  4. Book: El Coronel no tiene quien le escriba. Please buy your own copy in time for term 2/3 when you have finished studying the film.

We have a wide range of other resources for research /skills practice-feel free to ask, browse and borrow.

There will be a regular weekly conversation session with a native assistant and with volunteer year 13 students.

Work will be set to be done outside lessons time and for supervised private study sessions.

Year 13

Course Summary for Spanish Linear A level 2019-20

Exam Board: AQA

Racism, xenophobia and other attitudes Measures and legislation against racism in society
Term Taught by Mr Green
2 Double Lessons a week
Taught by Mrs Matthews
1 Double Lesson a week
Term 1
Sep-Dec 2019
Theme3. 1.2 Multiculturalism in Hispanic Society
i) Benefits and negative aspects Immigration in the Hispanic world Illegal immigration and associated problems
Grammar revision and practice on a diagnostic basis.
Complete Book: El Coronel no tiene quien le escriba Literary essay writing skills and techniques
Theme 3.2.2 Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world:
i) Youth and politics, unemployment and the perfect society.
Term 2
Jan-Apr 2020
Mock exams in January (3 papers including oral) Research project is NOT the same one as for your actual exam, but may be another aspect of it.
Preparation for oral exams –complete initial research project
Multiculturalism in Hispanic society
Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world:
The Franco dictatorship, The development of the monarchy in Spain, Latin American dictatorships
Term 3
Apr-July 2020
Oral examination –actual research project completed.
Multiculturalism in Hispanic Society:
iv) Integration and living together: Culture, Education, Religion
Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world:
Strikes and demonstrations, The power of the unions, Social protest movements eg 15M
Exam: June 2020 Papers 1 and 2:
Reading, listening and summary
Films and literary texts
Revision and practice of literary essays (until exam)

Year 13 Books

Text books which may be used in class (You may buy your own for reference or revision if required):

  1. AQA Spanish (Oxford University Press) for Year 2 +grammar workbook
  2. AQA A level (includes AS) Hodder (as above for Year 12)
  3. Own copy of Book “El Coronel” and film “8 Apellidos Vascos” for revision and essay writing.

We have a wide range of other resources for research /skills practice-feel free to ask, browse and borrow.

There will be a regular weekly conversation session with a native assistant and with volunteer year 13 students.

Work will be set to be done outside lessons time and for supervised private study sessions.