The Choir

The school choir is one of the school’s busiest extra-curricular activities.

The choir has about 75 members from year 7 to 13, and plays a very important part in the life of the school. Entry is by audition, and the choir meets for a full rehearsal after school on Monday, and before school on Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, the trebles rehearse on Wednesday lunchtime.

The choir contributes greatly to the monthly Cathedral Service, and sings regularly in concerts, especially at the Christmas Concert. It also has the major role in the annual Carol Service in the Cathedral and the Founder’s Day service and concert.

In the summer term a concert visit to a major venue is undertaken. Once every two years, the School Choir undertakes a residential tour for 4 nights. Recent venues have been Paris, Bruges and Edinburgh, where we return in 2016. Large-scale venues for concerts/services are included, with an emphasis on giving the boys a lifelong memory of their experiences. The standard of singing required for this trip is high, and the boys are expected to realise this.

The School Choir has produced four high quality CD's which cost £4 each and are available from reception. For more details, please click here

Samples from these CD's can be heard by clicking the following links

Choir Events

For a full list of Music Department dates please click here

Choir Trips


In March 2017 a group of 65 boys and 7 staff travelled to Belgium for a long weekend of singing and sightseeing. Based in the historic city of Ghent, we sang at St Salvator’s Cathedral, as well as in Bruges Cathedral. A highlight of the trip was a tour of First World War cemeteries, culminating in our participation at the Menin Gate ceremony in Ypres.

A Level Singers

This talented group meet on a Friday lunchtime and participate in all of the school concerts, the Carol Service, Founder’s Day and several Cathedral Services, as well as occasional out of school activities. The group is made up of staff and sixth formers, and membership is by audition.

Thank you to the A Level Singers and Lower School Concert musicians – for raising £369.50 for The Brain Tumour Charity from 2 recent concerts… Well done!

School Choir 2013-14

Choir Trip To Bruges - February 2014

BWS Trebles joined forces with the Chamber Choir of St Andrew's School, Turi, Kenya, for a concert on the 11th July 2013 in the Cathedral

Choir Recital at Blenheim Palace - 4th July 2013

Choir Trip to St Martin In The Fields, Trafalgar Square - July 2011