The Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership course is an option for our Year 12 boys to choose within their enrichment timetable.

The prime aim of the award is to prepare responsible, motivated and confident people who can independently lead safe, purposeful and enjoyable sporting and recreational activities for small groups. The award is also designed to encourage people to get involved in the organisation and provision of sport on a sustained voluntary basis, some of whom will then choose employment in sport.

It concentrates on improving leadership skills required to plan, prepare, deliver and evaluate a session. A number of National Governing Bodies have created specific progression awards which allow the successful candidate special access to their first coaching award in recognition of the skills, knowledge and abilities they gain during their CSL training. The course is run across the whole year with a mix of classroom and practical time preparing candidates for placements in primary schools and the wider community.

The main event for the boys is ultimately the Primary Tag Rugby Festival, which they coordinate and run on the day. This year saw 30 local primary schools competing and was a huge success, serving as a testament to our boys ability to operate in this environment. It requires a lot of work in the lead up but provides the boys with a valuable skill set as they move into their final year of study and, ultimately, into the world of higher education.