Curriculum Plan 2014-15

Students in years 7-9 have one double lesson of PE per week and one double lesson of Games per week.

Listed below are the activities taught for each year. (numbers in brackets equal the number of weeks a subject is taught)

Year 7

Term PE Games
1 Athletics/XC/Fitness Tests (3)
Basketball (4)
2 Basketball (5) Rugby
3 Gymnastics Skills (6) 7s Football
4 Athletics (5) 7s Football
5 Athletics (6) Athletics
Tennis/S+F (during exams)
6 Cricket/Rounders (6) Athletics
Tennis (during exams)

Year 8

Term PE Games
1 Athletics/XC/Fitness Tests (2)
Basketball (5)
2 Badminton (5) Rugby
3 Gymnastics Acro (6) 7s Football
4 Athletics (5) 7s Football
5 Athletics (6) Athletics
Tennis/S+F (during exams)
6 Cricket/Rounders (6) Athletics
Tennis (during exams)

Year 9

Term PE Games
1 Athletics/XC/Fitness Tests (2)
Basketball (5)
2 Volleyball (5) Rugby
3 Gymnastics Flight (6) 7s Football
4 Athletics (5) 7s Football
5 Athletics (6) Athletics
Tennis/S+F (during exams)
6 Cricket/Rounders (6) Athletics
Tennis (during exams)

Students in years 10 and 11 have one afternoon of Games per week. Currently this is Thursday for Year 10 and Friday for Year 11

Listed below are the activities taught for each year. (numbers in brackets equal the number of weeks a subject is taught)

Term Year 10 Year 11
1 Rugby Rugby
2 Rugby Rugby
3 7s Football 7s Football
4 7s Football 7s Football
5 Athletics
Tennis/S+F (during exams)
6 Cricket/Rounders (6) N/A

Sixth Form students have one afternoon of Games per week. Currently this is Wednesday

The current list of sports offered are listed below

Winter Spring Summer
Badminton Badminton Athletics
Basketball Basketball Cricket
Football 1st XI Football 1st XI Football 1st XI
Football Recreational Football Recreational
Gym Gym Gym
Lacrosse Lacrosse
Rugby 1st XV & 2nd XV Rugby 1st XV & 2nd XV
Rugby 3rd XV & 7s
Squash Squash
Table Tennis Table Tennis
Tennis Tennis Tennis