Personal, Social and Health Education ( aka Sex & Relationships Education)

PSHE is taught by Mr C Higson BA(Hons), PGCE, MA(Ed), Dip Couns -

In Years 7-11 “Personal, Social and Health Education” is usually delivered in annual “blocks” of 5-6 lessons during timetabled “Tutorial” or PE/ “Carousel” teaching periods. The aim is to provide reliable information, and a “tool kit” of helpful tips, to enable boys to make decisions and choices appropriate to their own lives. These lessons are supplemented by assemblies, and presentations by guest speakers.

There is no formal timetabled teaching of PSHE for Years 12 & 13, although Mr Higson does deliver occasional assemblies on specific topics, and guest speakers deliver lectures and workshops on such matters as “well-being”, road safety, and drug and alcohol misuse.

As “Confidential Mentor”, Mr Higson is available to Sixth Formers to provide a “listening ear” and personal support for any issues which may be troubling them. Most students who use this service do so of their own accord via direct request. Apart from the extremely rare occasions when Safeguarding concerns arise, such sessions are totally confidential. Mr Higson does inform The Deputy Head, Mr G Lloyd, of when and where he is seeing a student 1:1, but the reasons for the meeting and its content are not disclosed; nor are any details recorded on the individual student’s school record.

PSHE Scheme of Work Years 7 to 11 (Updated September 2019)

Year 11 Checklist