Politics Department

Mrs P Anders - Head Of Politics - pa@bws.wilts.sch.uk

Mr M McIntyre - Teacher Of Politics - mgm@bws.wilts.sch.uk

Mr O Stamp - Teacher Of Politics - ojs@bws.wilts.sch.uk

Politics is taught only in the Sixth Form at BWS. We study Edexcel A level Politics which encompasses 3 component papers:

Component 1: UK Politics & Core Political Ideas

Component 2: UK Government & Non Core Political Ideas

Component 3: Comparative Politics: the Politics of the USA

While striving for the highest academic standards, the department also seeks to foster a fascination for the dynamic world of politics.

There is a thriving Politics Society run by the students for the students. The society invites speakers, both academic and from the world of politics. Annual visits to the House of Parliament and recently to the EU Parliament, are also a regular part of the course.