
Mrs N Mesnard - Head of Department -

What does the course involve?

In Year 12 you will acquire a broad knowledge and understanding of the core areas of Psychology (cognitive, social, biological, developmental, individual differences and research methods) through studying a range of accessible life topics.

Introductory Topics in Psychology will cover:

Psychology in Context will cover:

In Year 13 you will study topics in greater depth e.g. relationships and schizophrenia. Explanations from different psychological approaches will be brought together which will engage you in the issues and debates of Psychology.

How will you learn?

You will be involved in a variety of activities such as group discussions, study groups and projects, individual assignments in the community, games and experiments in the classroom, and individual tutorials, as well as essay and exam skills practice.

How will you be examined?

A level Psychology involves three 2-hour exams, with papers on Introductory Topics in Psychology, Psychology in Context and Issues and Options in Psychology.

What could you do after completing the course?

Psychology A Level could be the starting point for anything: a career in Psychology e.g. clinical psychologist, health psychologist, educational psychologist, forensic psychologist, occupational psychologist. Medical careers and those linked e.g. nursing, physiotherapy, dentistry, speech therapy, research. Teaching, child care or social work, Police, the Armed Forces, Law, Advertising, Art, Journalism, Sport and Recreation.