Courses offered in the VI Form include Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Geology. These courses are all OCR A specification and further information can be found on each individual subject page.

Boys have a number of opportunities to further their knowledge of the applications of their studies not only in lessons but with a number of enrichment activities that are organised throughout the year. For example, Mrs Armstrong (the schools independent careers advisor) and the Science Faculty organises a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) day.

This day involves a number of visitors discussing their work and career in these areas. Whilst the initial sessions are Keynote speeches with a large audience some of the sessions are much smaller workshops where small groups have the opportunity to listen and talk informally to visitors about not just their work but how their career has progressed. This year we will be welcoming Dr Kirsty Anderson who will talk about Carbon Capture and Storage. Her talk will follow on from the talks that took place last year in school on Climate Change.

In year 12, we expect all scientists to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the monthly BAYS Science Forum meetings where a visiting speaker talks about their work and career. In addition to these activities, boys are prepared for the Challenge and Olympiad competitions with great successes achieved along with a variety of trips and visits to conferences and university labs as planned open days or competitions. Further information on the enrichment activities can be found on the enrichment page for the Science Faculty.