Year 7 Science is taught as discrete subjects by the same teacher who is able to ensure that the scientific skills are introduced, developed and consolidated throughout each subject. Boys have the opportunity to demonstrate their science skills in the summer term when each boy working as a pair undertakes an investigation of their choice.

This work is undertaken and presented as a scientific poster which is displayed at the Summer Science Fair which forms part of the year 7 induction day. This Fair provides a valuable opportunity for boys to demonstrate, showcase and explain the science that they have undertaken to an interested audience of the incoming year 7 boys, VI Formers and staff.

Year 7 boys also have the opportunity to take part in a visiting Planetarium and Cell model workshop in the summer term.

All boys are issued with a year 7 textbook – as shown below which covers most of the work covered throughout the year in each of the Sciences.

Please click here to view the Year 7 Science Overview