School Rules

The rules which follow set out the code of conduct pupils are expected to follow during school activities. They should be regarded as a framework for the smooth running of the School and the prevention of major difficulties to pupils, and the promotion of a caring society in which there is a place for all and in which all are valued for their contribution, in whatever form that might be.

The School Council and the staff have agreed the following:

Pupils should:

  1. Arrive punctually at lessons, properly dressed, fully equipped and prepared to learn
  2. Follow directions first time, especially those relating to safety
  3. Listen with respect to the teacher, and to other students when appropriate
  4. Respect the property of other pupils, of staff and of the School
  5. Allow students to learn, teachers to teach
  6. Take personal responsibility for learning

Pupils must:

Pupils must not:

Pupils are expected to: